See something, say something, do something
The Good Catch Program helps drive effective field behavior and capture insights into employee safety performance across our operations. Employee observation data is captured in the program, allowing managers to identify changes in behavior, determine mechanical risks, diagnose potential process change needs, etc. At BKV, you ‘see something, say something.’ Employees are trained to log observations so they can be tracked and managed. This program is extremely accessible for employees as a smartphone application, facilitating immediate documentation should a situation or issue arise.
Rewarding safety leadership, openly
Rather than deploying a field safety performance model of enforcement—implying that workers are scrutinized and monitored with respect to following safety protocols—we encourage genuine buy-in and motivation to demonstrate good safety behaviors in the field. For example, if an employee submits an idea or recommendation to improve safety performance, she or he will receive some type of recognition or reward for that action.
Employee engagement and accountability
Additionally, we operate with a strict policy of zero retaliation if an employee observes unsafe behavior and uses their stop-work authority. We routinely communicate to all employees that transparency and candor with respect to safety issues are key. If an incident occurs, elevating the incident will support key lessons learned, growth and safety performance improvements for the company and fellow workers. For employees and contractors who do not follow established practices, we ensure that performance conversations happen immediately to address the issue.
Our use of the Good Catch program app has improved employee engagement and accountability in the proactive identification and reporting of potential integrity concerns, allowing these observations to be tracked and repaired before they become actual problems.